Wednesday, 31 October 2018


What are Sobriquets?  Well,nick names given to places or persons are sobriquets.some interesting sobriquets for places are

Roof of the world - pamirs

Spice garden of India - kerala

World,s lonliest island - Tristan da cunha

White city - Belgrade

Sugar bowl of the world - cuba

Land of the rising sun - Japan

Land of the midnight sun - Norway

City of the golden gate - San Francisco

Land of white elephants - Thailand

Pink city - Jaipur

City of Skyscrapers -  New York

Land of Maple leaves -  Canada

Some sobriquets for people are

 Mahatma - Mohan das karam chand Gandhi

Saint of gutters   -Mother Teresa

Panditji   - Jawaharlal Nehru

Kaviguri - Rabindranath Tagore

Bard of Avon - Shakespeare

Lady of the lamp - Florence Nightangle

Monday, 22 October 2018


Nouns are the first thing we learn in grammar. The grade 2 child also knows that NOUNS are naming words. They are the names of person places, animals and thing.

Let us find out some more of the nouns in detail.
Firstly nouns can be classified into two categories
Some examples - London, Sunday, Eiffel Tower, George,
Mount Everest etc.

Some examples of Common nouns are book, table, bird, river, city etc.

Some Collective Nouns are


These are the names of ideas,qualities and feeling
eg.happiness, truth,honest etc


These are  the names of materials that make things. eg. Brick,cement,cloth etc.

 Nouns have four genders
Masculine gender shows a male eg. boy,man
Feminine gender shows a female eg. girl,woman.
Common gender shows both a male and female
Neuter gender shows non-living things like a chair,table, pen etc.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Find out the meaning of this trending word _ FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION


Recently when I came across this word it was very difficult for me to pronounce this word. I looked up the Oxford dictionary and found that this word really exists  - and it meant  " the action or habit of estimating something as useless "

This 29-letter tongue-twisting  word is trending in India. This word was used by a politician in his tweet to announce his book "  The paradoxical Prime Minister. "

Thursday, 19 July 2018



Let's refresh a bit of grammar . Today  I chose a very simple topic - and that is adjectives .

We all know that describing  words are called  Adjectives. 

They tell us the qualities of nouns and pronouns. 

We compare qualities  of people  and things using adjectives. 

Adjectives  have three degrees,  Positive,  Comparitive and Superlative  degrees. 

How do we use these degrees let me tell you-

* When we  state  the  qualities  of a person or a thing,  we use the positive  degree. 

*When we make comparison between  two persons or things we use the Comparative  degree. 

*When we make comparison  among more than two persons or things,  we use the Superlative   degree.

Let's see these words


Hot is  in the positive degree  ,while hotter is comparative degree  and  hottest  is in the superlative  degree.  So is with the other adjectives .

Some  words have irregular  comparative  and Superlative  degrees,  let look at these words too -

 Late   later  latest(shows time)

             latter  last(shows position)

Old      older      Oldest

             elder      eldest

 far      farther    farthest

(shows distance)

              further  furthest. 

Sometimes we use adjectives  wrongly.  We do not  need two comparatives or two  superlatives.

For eg.

Incorrect           correct

more better       better

more brighter    brighter

most deepest.     deepest

more greener     greener



Thursday, 31 May 2018



New affixes  appear in English all the time, largely  due to rapidly changing technology. 

For example,  the prefix  e - (meaning electronic ")  was created to form words such as
e - mail,
e -chat
e-file e-statement
e-procurement   and so on. 

Similarly the prefix  cyber ,which refers to information  technology, is used  in the words, cyber -space
 cybercast and so on.  

Friday, 25 May 2018




A shortened form of a word, often with one or more full stops to represent missing letters.

abstract noun

The name was given to something that cannot be touched, such as a concept or a sensation. eg truthful.


An abbreviation made up of the initial letters of the main words in a phrase. These letters are pronounced as a word.(rather than as separate letters), which represents the meaning of the original phrase.


A grammatically unit that contains a subject and a verb.Sentences are made up of one or more clauses.


A word or phrase used only in informal speech


The vocabulary (informal) used by a particular  geographical group.


The name given to the present  participle when it is used as a noun.


An extreme form of exaggeration that may not be taken seriously, but grabs the readers attention.


A type of slang that includes  specialist terms that are used and understood  by a select, often professional , group of people.


The smallest meaningful  part of a word.


The use of word that mimic the sounds  they represent.


The use of  a word or phrase  that has two or more meanings for a comic effect.

rhetorical question

A question that does not require an answer but is used for effect.


A phrase that compares one thing to another using as using as or like.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Eleven important figures of speech used in English

Figures of speech are used to create different effects in the English language, they usually emphasise a point or help an audience to visualise something.
Words and phrases  are used out of their literal contexts to create different,heightened effects.When a person is "starving" , for example, that person is unlikely to be dying of hunger; rather, he or she is simply hungry.
 Let's learn some of the figures of speech


The same letter or sound is used at the start of  multiple words  Cathy cleverly combined cold coffee cake and kiwi fruit.


The words like one as are used to compare two things.
She is as plump as a pumpkin ,but she moves like a deer.


One thing is described as being a different thing, resulting in a comparison between the two.
Her cheeks are sun-blushed apples.


 A mild word or phrase is substituted for a word or phrase  that might cause offence.
She has ample proportions.(She  is overweight).


Also known as word play, the multiple meanings  of a word  are used to create humour.
She gave me her measurements as a round figure.


A statement is grossly exaggerated.
She said she could eat an elephant.


An object or animal is given human qualities.


Two terms are used together that contradict each other.
The moon looked terribly beautiful.


A word  is used  that mimics the sound of what it stands for.
She burped noisily.


A word or phrase is repeated  at the start of successive clauses for emphasis.
She ate the cake;she ate the apple;she ate the pie.


One thing is said but the opposite thing is meant,usually for humour or emphasis.
I admired her sense of dressing.(She was not well dressed).

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Let's know these words better

Usage of certain words makes us pause for a minute. Some words in English language sound alike but are totally different in meanings.  This creates confusion in our minds, the wrong usage of words in a context often leave us in embarrassment.

So let's  check out a few of them

1.  accessory  -    a helper, contributing to a crime. 

accessory       - a supplementary part, or object

2.  accomplish -  finish, successfully; complete

accomplice - a companion, a partner in crime

3. advert  - turn attention  to, refer 

   avert   -  turn away, prevent.

4.  bait - food kept on a hook,      to attract fish.

bate - lessen, reduce, become less.

5. banish - drive away, exile.

     burnish - make bright, by rubbing polish.

6.  bean -  a seed in a long pod.

     been -   the past participle of 'be'

     I have been to London.

7. beer - an alcoholic drink

     bier - a coffin, along with its stand.

8. bell - hollow metal vessel, to give a ringing sound.

   belle - beautiful girl, or a woman.

9.breach -  a break, an opening, breaking of the rule.

  breech - the lower part of the body.

10. Canon -  a law, or rule of the church.

Cannon - a large gun

11.cease - stop,  discontinue, to desist from

  Seize - catch, grasp, lay hold off.

12. commensurate -  adequate, in proportion, equal in size.

Commiserate - to pity, sympathise, to condole.

13. defy - to dare, to resist, refusing to obey.

   deify -  to worship, as a God.

14.  demur - raise objections.

        demure - shy and modest.quiet and serious, reserved. 

15.dearth -  shortage,lack, scarcity

      death -  end of life, dying.

* keep viewing my blog for more such words.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Find out more about Prepositions

The usage of prepositions ,along with other words, are illustrated  as follows:

1. abhorrent  hateful,shocking,horrible, remote  in character. 

abhorrent  to  - Noise is abhorrent  to her feelings. 

2. abide - reside,  endure or be faithful  to

3. abide by - I hope you will abide by the rules and regulations.

abide at (a place)  - Do you abide at this place? 

abide  with (someone) - She abides with her sister. 

4. abounding  - containing  plenty. 

abounding  in: It is a  shop, abounding  with books. 

5.  access  - way to a place

      access to -  The staircase  is the only  access to the attic. 

6. abounding with -  English is a language  ,abounding with idiomatic  forms of expressions.

7. accede - agree, assent, to come forward. 

accede  to - He acceded, to the throne. 

8. accountable  - responsible  ,answerable 

9. accountable to - (person)   He is accountable  to me, for his actions. 

10. accrue  - add to, grow from, arise come

accrue  to - Many benefits  will accrue to him, if he works sincerely. 

  * More  usages of prepositions  to follow ...Keep  watching  my additions on this topic.

1. bare  - uncovered 

    bare of - That valley, is bare of trees. 

2. bent - natural skill, inclination, determined  to do. 

   bent on - He is bent on ,mastering the  subject. 

3. blended  - combined or mixed together 

    blended with - The rainbow  is blended  with several  colors. 

4. bred  - trained, educated, brought up

   bred in -  what  is bred in, will come out. 

   bred up -  He has not been  bred up as a          carpenter.

5. busy  - occupied 

busy at - They were busy  at, tidying  the room. 

busy in -  He is busy in washing, his clothes. 

busy with - He was busy with,  his work. 

busy over - She was busy over, her school  work. 

Monday, 23 April 2018


Some of the most interesting facts of English language

The word  "go" is the shortest  grammatically  correct  sentence  in English. 

The most common  words in English  language  are "I "and "You".

The most common  adjective  in English  used is good. 

The words month, orange, silver and purple  do not rhyme  with any other word. 

"Goodbye " originally came from the old English   phrase" God be with you."

Oxyphenbutazone  is the highest  scoring word in the game of scrabble. 

aegilops  is the  longest word with its letters in alphabetical  order. It is a type of a plant. 

Twyndyllyng is the longest  word without  any vowel. 

The words abstemious  has all the vowels in alphabetical  order. Other words are absentious, aerious, arsenious   and facetious. 

Fact of numbers - if you were to write  out every  number in order as words(one,two,three....) the letter  b will  not  be used until you reach  one billion. 

Triskaidekaphobia  is the fear  of the number 13. 

Paraskevidekatria   phobia is the fear of Friday  the 13th.It is also known as friggatriskaidekaphobia. 

The year 2018 will have two fridays  falling on  was 13th April. The next 13th July. 

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Let's not get confused with these words

sometimes we come across  certain words that often confuse us. Let's  find the difference  of these common  word. 

Malady - a disease or an illness.

melody - a pleasing  note or tunefulness

mansion  - a large dwelling - house

mention - refer to or remark about 

maize - Indian corn

maze - a network of paths

navel - the small hollow,in front of the abdomen 

naval -  of the navy

night - the time after sunset 

Knight - a military  follower, a person of noble  birth. 

oar -  wooden pole with a flat blade, to row a boat with an oar

ore  -a mineral from which, metal is extracted

odour  - smell

ardour  - warm emotion, passion

overseas  - across  the sea

oversee -  control  or look after

Pallor  - paleness of the face

Parlour  - a private room like a beauty parlour

Saturday, 7 April 2018


Trigeminal Neuralgia

I have never heard of this rare disease after a trending news of  a Bollywood  star  suffering from it was  published. 

I tried to find out what it is, let me share it with you  all. 

Trigeminal neuralgia  is a rare chronic pain, affecting the trigeminal  nerve in the face. It is described  as a sharp shooting pain or like having an electric  shock  in the jaw, teeth or gums. It generally  lasts  from a few seconds  to about two minutes. 

This  disease  is not very easy to diagnose .

In other  words  it is a compression  of a trigeminal  nerve. This nerve transmits sensations  of pain  from face, teeth  and mouth  to the brain. 

Thursday, 5 April 2018



When people talk,their voices go up and down and get louder and quieter.This natural variation is called intonation.If a person's voice stays the same,it will sound robotic and send the audience to sleep.Stressing important words or phrases helps to create a good rhythm,and will emphasise those points


Ab, (from) - abuse,avert,abstract

Ad , (to) - adjoin,

Ambi - (on both sides) - ambition,ambiguous,amputate.

Ante - (before)  antedate.

Bene - (well) benefit.

Bis - ( twice,two)  biscuit,bisect,binoculars.

Circum - (around) circumference,circuit.

Contra - (against) contradict,

De - (down) descend,dethrone,depose

Dis-  (apart)  disjoin.

Demi - (half)  demigod.

Ex - (out of)  extract.

Extra - (outside of) extraordinary,extravagant.

Pen - (almost) peninsula.

Per - (through)  pervade.

Post - (after) postpone,postscript,postdate.

Pre - (before) prevent,predict.

Pro - (for) pronoun

Re - (back ,again) reclaim,refund,renew,return.

Retro -  (backwards) retrospect,

Semi - (half) semicircle,semicolon.

Sub - (under) subordinate,subdue

Super - (above)  superfine,superfluous.

Trans - (across) transmit.

Vice -(in place of) viceroy,vice-President


Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Prefixes are small words or letters placed before a word. Some of them can be seen here:

A  -, (on,in,out)abed,aboard,ashore,ajar,asleep,arise,awake,alight.

Be -(by) beside,bedtime,besmear,

For -(throughly) forbear,forgive,

Fore - (before)forecast,foretell.

Gain - (against) gainsay.

 In -(in)  income,inland,inlay.

Mis -(wrong) mislead,misdeeds,misjudge.

Over - (above,beyond) overflow,overcharge.

To - (this)to- day,to-night,to-morrow

Un -(not) untrue,unkind,unholy.

Under - (beneath,below)  Undersell,undercharge,undergo,underground.

With - (against) withhold,withstand,withdraw

Monday, 2 April 2018

Long words....Do you fear them?


A  funny song by Byrant Oden will make you remember the word hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.


LUTRAPHOBIA: the fear of otters

NUCLEOMITUPHOBIA: the abnormal fear or hatred of nuclear weapons.

ODONTOPHOBIA: the fear of dental work.

OCTOPHOBIA: the fear of   figure eight

PENTHERAPHOBIA: the fear of your mother - in - law.

GLOBOPHOBIA: the fear of balloons

ABLUTOPHOBIA: the fear of bathing.

PUPAPHOBIA - the fear of puppets

CYNOPHOBIA - the fear of dogs.

Monday, 26 March 2018


STREET  ART - clicked  on one  of the by lanes in Amsterdam 


Tourette - tourette is a nervous  disorder  involving  repetitive  movements  or unwanted  sounds called tics,that cannot  be controlled. For  eg. Someone  with tourette  might  blink or clear their  throat over and over  again. This usually  starts from a young  age. 

The Hindi  movie "HICHKI" is about  a teacher,suffering from the tourette syndrome   takes  up challenges  to deal  with children of a teenage  class. 

Sunday, 25 March 2018



Remembered these lines.. 

"My  heart  leaps  up when I behold 

A Rainbow  in the sky"

William  Wordsworth 

Saturday, 24 March 2018


The  creater must have  have been a dog  lover 

A dog with no blood and bones

Sat and guarded the street homes

He sat there all night in the chill

But all the time he  was quite still.

From dawn to dusk he sat on the ground

Looked at each one passing  by

He never barked but sat there

Waiting for his master  all day.

Perhaps it was the memory of the creature

The master had made it an everlasting feature.

Written by



1. aloud  - allowed

2. Chews - choose

3. root     - route

4. mourning - morning

5. yoke - yolk

   Now try to find the other pair       ,write  the answer  in the comment  section

6.bellow -

7. Calendar  - 

8.flew - 

9.would - 

10. hair

11.reign - 

12.fair - 

Thursday, 22 March 2018



Some  words  and phrases  make  the reader feel an emotion such as pain, sadness ,guilt or anger.

Once  the  reader is feeling  this way, they  are often  more  susceptible  to persuasion.

Tearjerkers often  influence  the audience.

EXAGGRATION  - Representing  something as larger  or better  than it actually  is.  

HYPERBOLE -  An extreme  form of exaggeration  that  is not  necessarily  taken seriously , but  grabs the Reader's  attention. 

RHETORICAL QUESTION  - A question  that does  not  need  an answer  but used for effect. 

Superlative  - The  form of an adjective  of adverb  that  suggests  the  greatest  or  least  of something. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2018



Some phrases  say the same time twice. These  are called tautologies  and should  be avoided  because  they are unnecessary .


tiny  little  baby  - tiny  and little  mean the same thing 

a round  circle  - circles  are always round

an old  antique  - an antique  has  to be old.

an unexpected  surprise  - all  surprises  are 
Unexpected .

yellow  in colour  - something can't  be yellow in anything  other  than  colour 

month  of May -  May  is always  a month

new innovation  - an innovation  has  to be new

*have  you  come  across  any tautologies..please  comment in the comment  section. 

Friday, 16 March 2018


F - 

fabricati diem - make my day(L)

fait accompli - thing  already done(Fr)

fatwa - a legal decision (Arab)

floreat -  let it flourish (L) 

fuhrer  - leader  (Ger) 

G. . .... 

glasnost  - openness 

Gotterdammerung  - in German  mythology  the final destruction  of the world. (Ger) 

gout  -  taste  ,artistic  discernment  (Fr) 

gulag  - labour  camp (Rus) 

h... .....

habeas  corpus -  Writ  to produce  a prisoner  before a court ( L)

haiku -   amusement  verse (Jap)

hajj  - pilgrimage  ((Arab)

Hakenkruez  - swastika  ( hooked cross) (Ger )

haute  cuisine -  high  class  cooking  ( Fr) 

hoi  polloi  -   common  people  (Gr)

homme d' affaires -  businessman

homme d'esprit  - man of wit or genius (Fr )

hos d' oeuvre  - savoury  appetiser (Fr )

I.. .....

ibidem -  in the same place (L) 

ich  dien  - I serve (Ger) 

id  est  - that is (L) 

Incunabulam  - book printed before  1501,original Latin  meaning  was 'swaddling  clothes

in extremis  - at the point  of death (L) 

Infra  dig - beneath  one's  dignity (L) 

inshallah  - if Allah wills, 'touch  wood'(Arab) 

 in vitro  - In a test  tube (L) 

ispo  facto  -  by the

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Common foreign words


Ecce Homo  - artistic representation of Christ crowned  with thorns(L)

echt - real, authentic (Ger) 

effendi  - mister or  master(Turk)

emeritus  -honourably  retired(L)

ersatz - replacement ,substitute (Ger) 

esprit de corps - pride  in belonging  to a group

eureka  - I have  found  it ((Gr) 

ex -officio - by  virtue  of his office (L) 


fabricati  diem

  - make  my day  (L)

fac  ut  gaudeam  - make my day(L)

fait  accompli  - thing  already  done (Fr)

flagrante  delicto  - in the act  of crime (L) 

floreat  - let  it flourish  ( L) 

Fuhrer   - leader((Ger)  

G .. ..... .

Gesundheit  - your  health (Ger) 

glasnost  - openness(Rus)

Gotterdammerung  - in German  mythology  the final destruction  of the world. (Ger) 

gout  -  taste( Fr) 

gulag - labour  camp (Rus) 

Monday, 5 March 2018

Some more foreign words and phrases


carpe  diem - seize the day(Fr)

carte  blanche  - freedom  of action (Dr) 

caveat  emptor  -  let the buyer  beware (L) 

cave canem - beware  of the dog (L) 

c'est la  vie - that's  life  (Fr) 

coup  de fodder - love  at first  sight(Fr) 

coup  de grace  - action that puts an end to something  (Fr)

Coup  d'etat -  sudden and violent  change of government (Fr)

Cru - French  vineyard (Fr)

cui  bono  - to whose  benefit  (L) 

cuz grano  salis  - with a grain of salt(L)

curriculum  vitae  - course  of life  (L) 

d.. .. 

dacha  - Russian country  villa (Rus )

de fecto  - in fact (L) 

deja vu - already  seen(Fr)

Dei  - Gratia  by God's grace  (L)

de - trop - superfluous (Fr)

dos -a - dos  - a seat  in which  the users sit  back to back (Fr)

duce -   leader( It)

duende  - goblin, ghost (Sp) 

Dummkopf  - dumb-head(Ger)

Sunday, 4 March 2018



an initio - from the beginning (L)

a bon marche  - a good  bargain, cheap(Fr)

a cheval  - on horseback  (Fr)  

as astra  - to the stars (L) 

ad hoc  - for the special  purpose  (L) 

al dente -  firm when bitten  ( relating  to the teeth) 

a la mode -  according  to custom or fashion

al fresco - in the open air  

alma  mater  - applied  to former  school ,university  or college  

alter  ego  - other  self ( L) 

au revoir  - till we meet  again(Fr)

a priori  - from cause  to effect (L) 

auto -da-fe  - act of faith  (port)

avant -  garde  - progressive  or radical  artists  and thinkers

b. . .

brain -marie   a double  saucepan 

Banzai  - a Japanese  battle  cry (Jap) 

barrio-  district , suburb(sp)

batik  - method of cloth  dyeing(malay)

bete  noire - a bugbear, pet  aversion (Fr)

billet -  doux - a love letter,a sweet Note(Fr)

Blitzkrieg  - intense  military  attack  (Ger)

bona  - fide - with good faith(L)

bonhomie  - good nature, a  good  man(Fr)

bonsai  - miniature  tree in a pot (Jap) 

bourgeois  - middle  class  person(Fr) 

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Trending word - xenophobia

Xenophobia  - a deep  rooted fear towards  foreigners or people  from different  cultures  or strangers,an intense  or irrational dislike  or fear from other  countries. 

The word  has its origin  from Greek word (Xenos)  meaning " strange", foreigner and (phobus) meaning  "fear"

Adjective of the word - xenophobic 


What is pabulum - noun (pab  - yuh  -luhm)

Literally  the words meaning is  - material for intellectual  nourishment.  It is derived from the Latin term," food" or fodder  taken by plants or animals 

Plural of pabulum  - Pabula or pabulums 

Monday, 26 February 2018


precedent -  a previous  case, or occurrence,  taken as a rule

president  -  the head of a society, company, republic,  etc. 

Precocious  - forward,  prematurely  developed

He is a precocious  child. 

precautious - taking care in advance, to avoid risk

It is wiser to be precautious,during rainy  season,against diseases. 

regenerate  - to reform spiritually, to give new strength, or life

rejuvenate  - to make, or become  young  or vigorous  again,  to renew

sheath   - a close -fitting cover, for a knife or sword

sheathe - (verb)  put into a sheath,  protect with a covering

They will soon sheathe their swords ( stop fighting) 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Difference between  intrinsic  and extrinsic  motivation 

intrinsic  motivation  is motivation  coming from within,it is   when you do something  because  you enjoy  it, or  find it interesting. 
Danny  is intrinsically  motivated  to  win the award. 

extrinsic  motivation   is doing something for external  rewards,  or for an obligation. It can be,  to avoid  negative  consequences.

The challenge  to the game was extrinsically  motivated.

Teachers  reward children to perform  better in classroom is an example  of extrinsic  motivation. 

Monday, 19 February 2018

Do you know the difference saviour and savour

saviour  and savour  - Confusing  homophones 

Saviour - a person  who rescues or saves somebody  
God  is our saviour 

Savour  - characteristic  taste
The   food  had a Chinese savour

sever and severe

Sever -  separate,  divide 

Severe  - strict,  hard  to do, rigorous 

regenerate and rejuvenate 

regenerate  - to reform  spiritually, to give a new life

rejuvenate  - to make,  or become  young or vigorous  again,  to renew

repeal  and repel

repeal  - cancel,  revoke 

repel  - drive back, refuse
She will certainly  repel his advances. 

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Some difficult English antonyms

1.fresh.            stale

2.intelligent      unintelligent 


3.imprison           free

4.optimistic          pessimistic 

5. Imitation           genuine                ward

7 intentional           accidental 

8 .industrious          lazy

9. justice                   injustice 

10.patient                 impatient 

11.merry                   sad

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Quotes - Shakespeare

Do you know the difference? Massif and Massive

Massif and massive

massif  -  a series of connected  masses of rocks  forming a mountain range. 

massive - having  a great  size, and weight ,heavy and solid

Mete  and meet

mete - to allot or to  measure  out

meet - come into contact  or assemble

Yack and yak

yack -  chatter,  noisy  talk 

yak  - a type  of long -haired ox,found in Tibet 

Monday, 12 February 2018

What is Om namo Shivaya

Om  namo  Shivaya 

On the  auspicious  occasion  of shivrati  we chant"Om namo  Shivaya"several times. This is a mantra  offering  respect  to Lord Shiva. 

The literal  meaning   is "adoration  to Lord Shiva ." it actually  means " I offer to Shiva  respectful  invocation  of His name",preceded  by om  or Aum. This mantra is literally  thousands  of years  ago. Chanting  this mantra  is said to please the  Lord. 

Om namo  Shivaya

What does podcast mean?

To many of us the word  podcast  is a new term, although  it was first mentioned in 2004,  by Ben Hammerslay in a newspaper  article. 

The word  "pod" borrowed from Apple's iPod and "cast" taken from radio's broadcast.

The word   is understood as : A Digital  audio  file  made available  on the internet for downloading  to a computer or a mobile. It is typically  available  as a series. 

ipod+broadcast = podcast 

A podcast  audience  may not be large  as radio listeners. 

Every  podcast  has a website, where  the show can be listened. 

Nowadays  it is used  extensively  by bloggers  and politicians to put forth their ideas, views  and also  for promotions. 

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Find out the difference between exalt and exult

exalt -praise highly, to raise  in dignity or position, etc. 

He was exalted, to the position  of a president. 

exult - to rejoice, to triumph

He exulted, at his success. 

More homophones

Biannual - twice  a year

My visit to  Switzerland is biannual. 

Biennial  - every, two years

My visit  to Neitherland  is biennial. 

The longest English word

One  of the longest  English  word has 45 letters ,almost  double  the English  Alphabets .

It is fun to learn this word


This word  refers  to a disease  from the inhalation  of fine particles  of silica,especially  from a volcano.
Medically  termed as silicosis 

Don't get confused affectation and affection

Some words  sound  same or they have  more or less the same spelling, but we tend to get confused. Let's  look at these two words.

affectation  - show, pretence, falseness 

The interest shown in his work was merely an affectation. 

affection  - fondness

He could  easily  win her affection. 

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Trending word - troglodyte

I came across  this rare  word - troglodyte which has been trending in news let's  find what it means

Troglodyte- noun

Meaning - a person  who lives  in a cave, especially  in prehistoric   times,
hermit/old fashioned.
Origin of the word  15th century  via
Latin from Greek.  The literal meaning  is a cave dweller or" one who creeps into holes".

Farrago - a confused  mixture , hodge-podge, medley 

Used as noun 
Origin  - 1625 -1635,

Monday, 5 February 2018

Confusing English homophones


Magnate - influentional  person, by wealth or position

The Hollywood magnates  met at the award ceremony. 

 magnet- a device that produces a magnetic  field, attracts pieces  of iron


mallow  -  a wild plant  with purple  flowers. 

mellow- juicy,sweet and ripe. Soft and sweet. 

I bought  some  mellow  mangoes.  


malady  - a disease, illness 

melody - a pleasing  tune

Sunday, 4 February 2018

What is the difference between Invincible and Invisible

Invincible  - that cannot  be conquered /too strong to be defeated

The  Indian army is of invincible  strength.

Invisible  - hidden, that cannot  be seen

The story  was of an invisible  man. 


Saturday, 3 February 2018

Depose and dispose

depose - dethrone, give evidence 

The ruler  was deposed.

dispose - throw away  something that is not required/arrange

Dispose off the rubbish. 

Currant and current

Currant  - dried grape  fruit

Current   - flow of river/move in circles/ trending

The hot air current  blows  in summer. 
The news channel shows the current  news. 

Friday, 2 February 2018

Confusing homophones

What is the difference  between
amateur and armature

amateur - a person who engages in an art, study, or a game etc for the love of it. 

Eg. The cricket  match was only for amateurs. 

armature - the revolving part of a motor or dynamo. 

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Difference between assure and azure

assure - make safe, give confidence

I assure you that, you will be safe there. 

azure - a light  purplish  blue

The azure  sky,  adds beauty to the seashore. 

Difference between yolk and yoke

Yolk - A wooden bar placed across the necks of two animals to hold them together 

Yoke - the yellow  part, of an egg. 

Confusing Homophones

What  is a homophone?

A homophone  is a word ,that is pronounced the same,as another word but the meaning  differs. These words  may be spelled the same  eg. Wave, (ocean wave) wave,( to shake your hand in a friendly  manner)  or differently   having similar  pronouncation   advice(opinion given)  used as noun ,advise is used as verb (recommendation, news etc .)
Some  of the confusing  homophones  are -

abstract -not concrete

 obstruct -hinder/interrupt.

   Bow- to bend the body in respect
   Bough - a branch of tree

    Brake -  stopping  the sudden motion of
        the wheel
    Break  - destroy, crush, shatter

     cease - stop, discontinue 
    Seize.  - lay.               hold of
     cent - part  of a dollar     
     Scent  - smell, to track by smell.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

What does paraph mean?

A paraph  is a flourish after a signature. It is usually  applied  as a precaution  against forgery.

Friday, 19 January 2018

What is Altruism


In simple  words  altruism  is the practice to show concern  for the welfare of others. It is a selflessness attitude  of a human being. 
The opposite  of the word is selfishness. 
The word  altruism  is derived  from the Latin  word altrvi,  meaning "other people" or" somebody  else. "


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