Monday 23 April 2018


Some of the most interesting facts of English language

The word  "go" is the shortest  grammatically  correct  sentence  in English. 

The most common  words in English  language  are "I "and "You".

The most common  adjective  in English  used is good. 

The words month, orange, silver and purple  do not rhyme  with any other word. 

"Goodbye " originally came from the old English   phrase" God be with you."

Oxyphenbutazone  is the highest  scoring word in the game of scrabble. 

aegilops  is the  longest word with its letters in alphabetical  order. It is a type of a plant. 

Twyndyllyng is the longest  word without  any vowel. 

The words abstemious  has all the vowels in alphabetical  order. Other words are absentious, aerious, arsenious   and facetious. 

Fact of numbers - if you were to write  out every  number in order as words(one,two,three....) the letter  b will  not  be used until you reach  one billion. 

Triskaidekaphobia  is the fear  of the number 13. 

Paraskevidekatria   phobia is the fear of Friday  the 13th.It is also known as friggatriskaidekaphobia. 

The year 2018 will have two fridays  falling on  was 13th April. The next 13th July. 

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