Tuesday 1 May 2018

Find out more about Prepositions

The usage of prepositions ,along with other words, are illustrated  as follows:

1. abhorrent  hateful,shocking,horrible, remote  in character. 

abhorrent  to  - Noise is abhorrent  to her feelings. 

2. abide - reside,  endure or be faithful  to

3. abide by - I hope you will abide by the rules and regulations.

abide at (a place)  - Do you abide at this place? 

abide  with (someone) - She abides with her sister. 

4. abounding  - containing  plenty. 

abounding  in: It is a  shop, abounding  with books. 

5.  access  - way to a place

      access to -  The staircase  is the only  access to the attic. 

6. abounding with -  English is a language  ,abounding with idiomatic  forms of expressions.

7. accede - agree, assent, to come forward. 

accede  to - He acceded, to the throne. 

8. accountable  - responsible  ,answerable 

9. accountable to - (person)   He is accountable  to me, for his actions. 

10. accrue  - add to, grow from, arise come

accrue  to - Many benefits  will accrue to him, if he works sincerely. 

  * More  usages of prepositions  to follow ...Keep  watching  my additions on this topic.

1. bare  - uncovered 

    bare of - That valley, is bare of trees. 

2. bent - natural skill, inclination, determined  to do. 

   bent on - He is bent on ,mastering the  subject. 

3. blended  - combined or mixed together 

    blended with - The rainbow  is blended  with several  colors. 

4. bred  - trained, educated, brought up

   bred in -  what  is bred in, will come out. 

   bred up -  He has not been  bred up as a          carpenter.

5. busy  - occupied 

busy at - They were busy  at, tidying  the room. 

busy in -  He is busy in washing, his clothes. 

busy with - He was busy with,  his work. 

busy over - She was busy over, her school  work. 

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