Wednesday 31 October 2018


What are Sobriquets?  Well,nick names given to places or persons are sobriquets.some interesting sobriquets for places are

Roof of the world - pamirs

Spice garden of India - kerala

World,s lonliest island - Tristan da cunha

White city - Belgrade

Sugar bowl of the world - cuba

Land of the rising sun - Japan

Land of the midnight sun - Norway

City of the golden gate - San Francisco

Land of white elephants - Thailand

Pink city - Jaipur

City of Skyscrapers -  New York

Land of Maple leaves -  Canada

Some sobriquets for people are

 Mahatma - Mohan das karam chand Gandhi

Saint of gutters   -Mother Teresa

Panditji   - Jawaharlal Nehru

Kaviguri - Rabindranath Tagore

Bard of Avon - Shakespeare

Lady of the lamp - Florence Nightangle

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