Tuesday, 23 January 2018

What does paraph mean?

A paraph  is a flourish after a signature. It is usually  applied  as a precaution  against forgery.

Friday, 19 January 2018

What is Altruism


In simple  words  altruism  is the practice to show concern  for the welfare of others. It is a selflessness attitude  of a human being. 
The opposite  of the word is selfishness. 
The word  altruism  is derived  from the Latin  word altrvi,  meaning "other people" or" somebody  else. "

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Parts of speech

Words are the building  blocks  of language, but they need  to be arranged  in a perfect  and recognizeable  manner.
The essential  components of a sentence  are Nouns and  verbs.
In every day  speech,the important  parts of the speech  are :

Nouns - eg. Richard, desk, boy, Mumbai etc
Verbs- action words  eg. Run, walk, dance
Pronoun - a word  that takes  the place  of a noun. Eg. He, she, we, you.

Adjectives  -  words  that describe  nouns
Eg.  Beautiful. Light, sweet, tall.

Adverbs - words that describe information  to a verb or a verbal phrase.eg soon, very, quickly.

Prepositions  -  A word that indicates  the relationship  between  two people  or things., usually  in terms of where they are
Eg. On, under, before, on, in etc.

Conjunction  - links words  or clauses. Eg. And, but, so, neither, not, because etc.

Articles - A word used with a noun to refer to a specific person or thing, or something  in general. Eg. a, an, the.

Interjection - A word  that  usually  occurs  alone and expresses emotions eg. Oh, hello, oops  etc.

A word  used in front  of a noun to denote something  specific  or something of a particular type. Eg. Many, my, his, few, several.  My car

English around the world

I would  like to start my blog  by a small  note on English  language. Many countries  throughout  the world  use the English  language, but its speech  can differ hugely, between  regions and country.
The English  language  can be traced back  to more than1,500 years old. It started  to spread  around  the world  from1,600s onwards. This was when the British  began to explore  and colonise, taking the language  with them. Today English  is the most  popular  language  ,widely used over the world  for business  and trade.
Some  known facts about English  are
1.North  America was the first  English speaking colony.
2.It became the dominant  language in  Great  Britain  from 5th century  onwards.
3.A survey suggests two thirds of Europeans speak some English.
4. Today  English  language is an international  language  taught  in many Asian  countries.


 Improve Vocabulary Tips How to improve your vocabulary  Improving your vocabulary can be a fun and rewarding process that can help you bett...