Monday, 26 February 2018


precedent -  a previous  case, or occurrence,  taken as a rule

president  -  the head of a society, company, republic,  etc. 

Precocious  - forward,  prematurely  developed

He is a precocious  child. 

precautious - taking care in advance, to avoid risk

It is wiser to be precautious,during rainy  season,against diseases. 

regenerate  - to reform spiritually, to give new strength, or life

rejuvenate  - to make, or become  young  or vigorous  again,  to renew

sheath   - a close -fitting cover, for a knife or sword

sheathe - (verb)  put into a sheath,  protect with a covering

They will soon sheathe their swords ( stop fighting) 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Difference between  intrinsic  and extrinsic  motivation 

intrinsic  motivation  is motivation  coming from within,it is   when you do something  because  you enjoy  it, or  find it interesting. 
Danny  is intrinsically  motivated  to  win the award. 

extrinsic  motivation   is doing something for external  rewards,  or for an obligation. It can be,  to avoid  negative  consequences.

The challenge  to the game was extrinsically  motivated.

Teachers  reward children to perform  better in classroom is an example  of extrinsic  motivation. 

Monday, 19 February 2018

Do you know the difference saviour and savour

saviour  and savour  - Confusing  homophones 

Saviour - a person  who rescues or saves somebody  
God  is our saviour 

Savour  - characteristic  taste
The   food  had a Chinese savour

sever and severe

Sever -  separate,  divide 

Severe  - strict,  hard  to do, rigorous 

regenerate and rejuvenate 

regenerate  - to reform  spiritually, to give a new life

rejuvenate  - to make,  or become  young or vigorous  again,  to renew

repeal  and repel

repeal  - cancel,  revoke 

repel  - drive back, refuse
She will certainly  repel his advances. 

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Some difficult English antonyms

1.fresh.            stale

2.intelligent      unintelligent 


3.imprison           free

4.optimistic          pessimistic 

5. Imitation           genuine                ward

7 intentional           accidental 

8 .industrious          lazy

9. justice                   injustice 

10.patient                 impatient 

11.merry                   sad

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Quotes - Shakespeare

Do you know the difference? Massif and Massive

Massif and massive

massif  -  a series of connected  masses of rocks  forming a mountain range. 

massive - having  a great  size, and weight ,heavy and solid

Mete  and meet

mete - to allot or to  measure  out

meet - come into contact  or assemble

Yack and yak

yack -  chatter,  noisy  talk 

yak  - a type  of long -haired ox,found in Tibet 

Monday, 12 February 2018

What is Om namo Shivaya

Om  namo  Shivaya 

On the  auspicious  occasion  of shivrati  we chant"Om namo  Shivaya"several times. This is a mantra  offering  respect  to Lord Shiva. 

The literal  meaning   is "adoration  to Lord Shiva ." it actually  means " I offer to Shiva  respectful  invocation  of His name",preceded  by om  or Aum. This mantra is literally  thousands  of years  ago. Chanting  this mantra  is said to please the  Lord. 

Om namo  Shivaya


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