Monday 12 February 2018

What does podcast mean?

To many of us the word  podcast  is a new term, although  it was first mentioned in 2004,  by Ben Hammerslay in a newspaper  article. 

The word  "pod" borrowed from Apple's iPod and "cast" taken from radio's broadcast.

The word   is understood as : A Digital  audio  file  made available  on the internet for downloading  to a computer or a mobile. It is typically  available  as a series. 

ipod+broadcast = podcast 

A podcast  audience  may not be large  as radio listeners. 

Every  podcast  has a website, where  the show can be listened. 

Nowadays  it is used  extensively  by bloggers  and politicians to put forth their ideas, views  and also  for promotions. 

Saturday 10 February 2018

Find out the difference between exalt and exult

exalt -praise highly, to raise  in dignity or position, etc. 

He was exalted, to the position  of a president. 

exult - to rejoice, to triumph

He exulted, at his success. 

More homophones

Biannual - twice  a year

My visit to  Switzerland is biannual. 

Biennial  - every, two years

My visit  to Neitherland  is biennial. 

The longest English word

One  of the longest  English  word has 45 letters ,almost  double  the English  Alphabets .

It is fun to learn this word


This word  refers  to a disease  from the inhalation  of fine particles  of silica,especially  from a volcano.
Medically  termed as silicosis 

Don't get confused affectation and affection

Some words  sound  same or they have  more or less the same spelling, but we tend to get confused. Let's  look at these two words.

affectation  - show, pretence, falseness 

The interest shown in his work was merely an affectation. 

affection  - fondness

He could  easily  win her affection. 

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Trending word - troglodyte

I came across  this rare  word - troglodyte which has been trending in news let's  find what it means

Troglodyte- noun

Meaning - a person  who lives  in a cave, especially  in prehistoric   times,
hermit/old fashioned.
Origin of the word  15th century  via
Latin from Greek.  The literal meaning  is a cave dweller or" one who creeps into holes".

Farrago - a confused  mixture , hodge-podge, medley 

Used as noun 
Origin  - 1625 -1635,

Monday 5 February 2018

Confusing English homophones


Magnate - influentional  person, by wealth or position

The Hollywood magnates  met at the award ceremony. 

 magnet- a device that produces a magnetic  field, attracts pieces  of iron


mallow  -  a wild plant  with purple  flowers. 

mellow- juicy,sweet and ripe. Soft and sweet. 

I bought  some  mellow  mangoes.  


malady  - a disease, illness 

melody - a pleasing  tune


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