Thursday 19 July 2018



Let's refresh a bit of grammar . Today  I chose a very simple topic - and that is adjectives .

We all know that describing  words are called  Adjectives. 

They tell us the qualities of nouns and pronouns. 

We compare qualities  of people  and things using adjectives. 

Adjectives  have three degrees,  Positive,  Comparitive and Superlative  degrees. 

How do we use these degrees let me tell you-

* When we  state  the  qualities  of a person or a thing,  we use the positive  degree. 

*When we make comparison between  two persons or things we use the Comparative  degree. 

*When we make comparison  among more than two persons or things,  we use the Superlative   degree.

Let's see these words


Hot is  in the positive degree  ,while hotter is comparative degree  and  hottest  is in the superlative  degree.  So is with the other adjectives .

Some  words have irregular  comparative  and Superlative  degrees,  let look at these words too -

 Late   later  latest(shows time)

             latter  last(shows position)

Old      older      Oldest

             elder      eldest

 far      farther    farthest

(shows distance)

              further  furthest. 

Sometimes we use adjectives  wrongly.  We do not  need two comparatives or two  superlatives.

For eg.

Incorrect           correct

more better       better

more brighter    brighter

most deepest.     deepest

more greener     greener




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