Monday 26 March 2018


STREET  ART - clicked  on one  of the by lanes in Amsterdam 


Tourette - tourette is a nervous  disorder  involving  repetitive  movements  or unwanted  sounds called tics,that cannot  be controlled. For  eg. Someone  with tourette  might  blink or clear their  throat over and over  again. This usually  starts from a young  age. 

The Hindi  movie "HICHKI" is about  a teacher,suffering from the tourette syndrome   takes  up challenges  to deal  with children of a teenage  class. 

Sunday 25 March 2018



Remembered these lines.. 

"My  heart  leaps  up when I behold 

A Rainbow  in the sky"

William  Wordsworth 

Saturday 24 March 2018


The  creater must have  have been a dog  lover 

A dog with no blood and bones

Sat and guarded the street homes

He sat there all night in the chill

But all the time he  was quite still.

From dawn to dusk he sat on the ground

Looked at each one passing  by

He never barked but sat there

Waiting for his master  all day.

Perhaps it was the memory of the creature

The master had made it an everlasting feature.

Written by



1. aloud  - allowed

2. Chews - choose

3. root     - route

4. mourning - morning

5. yoke - yolk

   Now try to find the other pair       ,write  the answer  in the comment  section

6.bellow -

7. Calendar  - 

8.flew - 

9.would - 

10. hair

11.reign - 

12.fair - 

Thursday 22 March 2018



Some  words  and phrases  make  the reader feel an emotion such as pain, sadness ,guilt or anger.

Once  the  reader is feeling  this way, they  are often  more  susceptible  to persuasion.

Tearjerkers often  influence  the audience.

EXAGGRATION  - Representing  something as larger  or better  than it actually  is.  

HYPERBOLE -  An extreme  form of exaggeration  that  is not  necessarily  taken seriously , but  grabs the Reader's  attention. 

RHETORICAL QUESTION  - A question  that does  not  need  an answer  but used for effect. 

Superlative  - The  form of an adjective  of adverb  that  suggests  the  greatest  or  least  of something. 

Wednesday 21 March 2018



Some phrases  say the same time twice. These  are called tautologies  and should  be avoided  because  they are unnecessary .


tiny  little  baby  - tiny  and little  mean the same thing 

a round  circle  - circles  are always round

an old  antique  - an antique  has  to be old.

an unexpected  surprise  - all  surprises  are 
Unexpected .

yellow  in colour  - something can't  be yellow in anything  other  than  colour 

month  of May -  May  is always  a month

new innovation  - an innovation  has  to be new

*have  you  come  across  any tautologies..please  comment in the comment  section. 

Friday 16 March 2018


F - 

fabricati diem - make my day(L)

fait accompli - thing  already done(Fr)

fatwa - a legal decision (Arab)

floreat -  let it flourish (L) 

fuhrer  - leader  (Ger) 

G. . .... 

glasnost  - openness 

Gotterdammerung  - in German  mythology  the final destruction  of the world. (Ger) 

gout  -  taste  ,artistic  discernment  (Fr) 

gulag  - labour  camp (Rus) 

h... .....

habeas  corpus -  Writ  to produce  a prisoner  before a court ( L)

haiku -   amusement  verse (Jap)

hajj  - pilgrimage  ((Arab)

Hakenkruez  - swastika  ( hooked cross) (Ger )

haute  cuisine -  high  class  cooking  ( Fr) 

hoi  polloi  -   common  people  (Gr)

homme d' affaires -  businessman

homme d'esprit  - man of wit or genius (Fr )

hos d' oeuvre  - savoury  appetiser (Fr )

I.. .....

ibidem -  in the same place (L) 

ich  dien  - I serve (Ger) 

id  est  - that is (L) 

Incunabulam  - book printed before  1501,original Latin  meaning  was 'swaddling  clothes

in extremis  - at the point  of death (L) 

Infra  dig - beneath  one's  dignity (L) 

inshallah  - if Allah wills, 'touch  wood'(Arab) 

 in vitro  - In a test  tube (L) 

ispo  facto  -  by the

Thursday 8 March 2018

Common foreign words


Ecce Homo  - artistic representation of Christ crowned  with thorns(L)

echt - real, authentic (Ger) 

effendi  - mister or  master(Turk)

emeritus  -honourably  retired(L)

ersatz - replacement ,substitute (Ger) 

esprit de corps - pride  in belonging  to a group

eureka  - I have  found  it ((Gr) 

ex -officio - by  virtue  of his office (L) 


fabricati  diem

  - make  my day  (L)

fac  ut  gaudeam  - make my day(L)

fait  accompli  - thing  already  done (Fr)

flagrante  delicto  - in the act  of crime (L) 

floreat  - let  it flourish  ( L) 

Fuhrer   - leader((Ger)  

G .. ..... .

Gesundheit  - your  health (Ger) 

glasnost  - openness(Rus)

Gotterdammerung  - in German  mythology  the final destruction  of the world. (Ger) 

gout  -  taste( Fr) 

gulag - labour  camp (Rus) 

Monday 5 March 2018

Some more foreign words and phrases


carpe  diem - seize the day(Fr)

carte  blanche  - freedom  of action (Dr) 

caveat  emptor  -  let the buyer  beware (L) 

cave canem - beware  of the dog (L) 

c'est la  vie - that's  life  (Fr) 

coup  de fodder - love  at first  sight(Fr) 

coup  de grace  - action that puts an end to something  (Fr)

Coup  d'etat -  sudden and violent  change of government (Fr)

Cru - French  vineyard (Fr)

cui  bono  - to whose  benefit  (L) 

cuz grano  salis  - with a grain of salt(L)

curriculum  vitae  - course  of life  (L) 

d.. .. 

dacha  - Russian country  villa (Rus )

de fecto  - in fact (L) 

deja vu - already  seen(Fr)

Dei  - Gratia  by God's grace  (L)

de - trop - superfluous (Fr)

dos -a - dos  - a seat  in which  the users sit  back to back (Fr)

duce -   leader( It)

duende  - goblin, ghost (Sp) 

Dummkopf  - dumb-head(Ger)

Sunday 4 March 2018



an initio - from the beginning (L)

a bon marche  - a good  bargain, cheap(Fr)

a cheval  - on horseback  (Fr)  

as astra  - to the stars (L) 

ad hoc  - for the special  purpose  (L) 

al dente -  firm when bitten  ( relating  to the teeth) 

a la mode -  according  to custom or fashion

al fresco - in the open air  

alma  mater  - applied  to former  school ,university  or college  

alter  ego  - other  self ( L) 

au revoir  - till we meet  again(Fr)

a priori  - from cause  to effect (L) 

auto -da-fe  - act of faith  (port)

avant -  garde  - progressive  or radical  artists  and thinkers

b. . .

brain -marie   a double  saucepan 

Banzai  - a Japanese  battle  cry (Jap) 

barrio-  district , suburb(sp)

batik  - method of cloth  dyeing(malay)

bete  noire - a bugbear, pet  aversion (Fr)

billet -  doux - a love letter,a sweet Note(Fr)

Blitzkrieg  - intense  military  attack  (Ger)

bona  - fide - with good faith(L)

bonhomie  - good nature, a  good  man(Fr)

bonsai  - miniature  tree in a pot (Jap) 

bourgeois  - middle  class  person(Fr) 


 Improve Vocabulary Tips How to improve your vocabulary  Improving your vocabulary can be a fun and rewarding process that can help you bett...